送 (sòng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 送 means “to send” or “to give as a gift”. It is often used in the context of sending someone off or giving a gift to someone. For example, you might use 送 when saying goodbye to a friend at the airport, or when giving a present to a colleague for their birthday. The word can also be used in more formal settings, such as when sending a letter or package in the mail. Overall, 送 is a versatile word that can be used in a variety of situations to convey the idea of giving or sending something to someone else.


Verb: to deliver, to escort, to give, to send


Example Sentences

我们送他去机场wǒmen sòng tā qù jīchǎngWe’re taking him to the airport
他送了一份礼物给我tā sòngle yī fèn lǐwù gěi wǒHe gave me a gift
我们要送给他一个惊喜wǒmen yào sòng gěi tā yīgè jīngxǐWe want to give him a surprise
她送了一封感谢信给老师tā sòngle yī fēng gǎnxiè xìn gěi lǎoshīShe sent a thank you letter to her teacher
我们送他一些水果wǒmen sòng tā yīxiē shuǐguǒWe’re giving him some fruits
他送了一张明信片给他的朋友tā sòngle yī zhāng míngxìnpiàn gěi tā de péngyǒuHe sent a postcard to his friend
我们要送他一份生日礼物wǒmen yào sòng tā yī fèn shēngrì lǐwùWe want to give him a birthday gift
她送了一束鲜花给她的妈妈tā sòngle yī shù xiānhuā gěi tā de māmāShe gave her mother a bouquet of flowers


送 is part of HSK Level 2 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 1.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 送 with Pinyin and English Translation