脸 (liǎn): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 脸 means “face”. It is commonly used in everyday conversation to refer to a person’s facial features or expressions. For example, if someone is described as having a “round face” in Chinese, it would be expressed as “圆脸”. Additionally, the word 脸 can also be used in idiomatic expressions, such as “丢脸”, which means “to lose face” or “to be embarrassed”.


Noun: face


Example Sentences

她的脸红了tā de liǎn hóng leHer face turned red
我的脸上长了痘痘wǒ de liǎn shàng zhǎng le dòu dòuI have pimples on my face
他的脸色很差tā de liǎn sè hěn chàHis complexion is very bad
她的脸上挂着微笑tā de liǎn shàng guà zhe wéi xiàoThere was a smile on her face
我们用手捂着脸躲避风沙wǒ men yòng shǒu wǔ zhe liǎn duǒ bì fēng shāWe covered our faces with our hands to protect ourselves from the sandstorm
他的脸上露出了惊讶的神情tā de liǎn shàng lù chū le jīng yà de shén qíngA look of surprise appeared on his face
她的脸上写满了疲惫tā de liǎn shàng xiě mǎn le pí bèiHer face was full of exhaustion
他的脸因为疲劳而显得苍白tā de liǎn yīn wèi pí láo ér xiǎn de cāng báiHis face looked pale from fatigue


脸 is part of HSK Level 3 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 脸 with Pinyin and English Translation