考试 (kǎo shì): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 考试 means “exam” or “test”. It is used to refer to any type of formal assessment, whether it be in school or for employment purposes. In Chinese culture, exams are taken very seriously and are often seen as a crucial determinant of one’s future success. As a result, the word 考试 is used frequently in academic and professional settings, and is an important term to know for anyone studying or working in China.


Noun: exam


Example Sentences

我们下周有一场重要的考试wǒmen xiàzhōu yǒu yī chǎng zhòngyào de kǎoshìWe have an important exam next week
他一直在为了考试而努力学习tā yīzhí zài wèile kǎoshì ér nǔlì xuéxíHe has been studying hard for the exam
这次考试的难度比上次要高zhè cì kǎoshì de nándù bǐ shàngcì yào gāoThis exam is more difficult than the last one
她因为考试紧张而失眠了tā yīnwèi kǎoshì jǐnzhāng ér shīmián leShe couldn’t sleep because she was nervous about the exam
我们需要在规定时间内完成考试wǒmen xūyào zài guīdìng shíjiān nèi wánchéng kǎoshìWe need to finish the exam within the given time
考试时不要作弊kǎoshì shí bùyào zuòbìDon’t cheat during the exam
她在考试中表现得非常出色tā zài kǎoshì zhōng biǎoxiàn de fēicháng chūsèShe did exceptionally well in the exam
我们必须认真准备考试wǒmen bìxū rènzhēn zhǔnbèi kǎoshìWe must prepare for the exam seriously


考试 is part of HSK Level 2 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 1.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 考试 with Pinyin and English Translation