突然 (tū rán): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 突然 means “suddenly” or “unexpectedly”. It is commonly used to describe a sudden change or event that occurs without warning or preparation. For example, you might say “他突然生病了。” which means “He suddenly got sick”. This word is often used in conversation and writing to express surprise or shock at a sudden turn of events.


Adjective: sudden, abrupt
Adverb: suddenly, unexpectedly


Example Sentences

突然下起了大雨túrán xià qǐle dàyǔIt suddenly started to rain heavily
他突然决定辞职tā túrán juédìng cízhíHe suddenly decided to quit his job
突然听到一声巨响túrán tīngdào yī shēng jùxiǎngSuddenly heard a loud noise
我突然想起来还有一个会议wǒ túrán xiǎng qǐlái hái yǒu yīgè huìyìI suddenly remembered there was another meeting
突然出现了一个陌生人túrán chūxiànle yīgè mòshēng rénA stranger suddenly appeared
突然停电了,我们只好用蜡烛túrán tíngdiànle, wǒmen zhǐhǎo yòng làzhúThe power suddenly went out, so we had to use candles
他突然变得很生气tā túrán biàn dé hěn shēngqìHe suddenly became very angry
突然发现自己迷路了túrán fāxiàn zìjǐ mílùleSuddenly realized that I was lost


突然 is part of HSK Level 3 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 突然 with Pinyin and English Translation