眼镜 (yǎn jìng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 眼镜 means “eyeglasses” in English. It is a compound word made up of the characters for “eye” and “lens”. The word is commonly used in everyday conversation to refer to corrective lenses worn to improve vision. It can also refer to sunglasses or safety glasses. In Chinese culture, wearing glasses is often seen as a sign of intelligence and seriousness.


Noun: eyeglasses


Example Sentences

我的眼镜掉了wǒ de yǎnjìng diào leMy glasses fell off
她的眼镜很漂亮tā de yǎnjìng hěn piàoliangHer glasses are very pretty
我需要一副新的眼镜wǒ xūyào yī fù xīn de yǎnjìngI need a new pair of glasses
他的眼镜度数很高tā de yǎnjìng dùshù hěn gāoHis glasses have a high prescription
我的眼镜有划痕了wǒ de yǎnjìng yǒu huáhén leMy glasses have scratches on them
她戴着眼镜看书tā dài zhe yǎnjìng kàn shūShe wears glasses when reading
这副眼镜很轻便zhè fù yǎnjìng hěn qīngbiànThis pair of glasses is very lightweight
我的眼镜需要调整一下wǒ de yǎnjìng xūyào tiáozhěng yīxiàMy glasses need to be adjusted


眼镜 is part of HSK Level 3 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 4.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 眼镜 with Pinyin and English Translation