热 (rè): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 热 means “hot” in English. It is commonly used to describe the temperature of something, such as hot water or hot weather. It can also be used to describe a person’s feeling of warmth, such as feeling hot after exercising. Additionally, it can be used to describe something that is popular or in high demand, such as a hot topic or a hot product.


Adjective: hot, warm


Example Sentences

天气很热,我想去游泳tiānqì hěn rè, wǒ xiǎng qù yóuyǒngIt’s very hot, I want to go swimming
这杯咖啡太热了,等它冷却一下再喝zhè bēi kāfēi tài rè le, děng tā lěngquè yīxià zài hēThis cup of coffee is too hot, wait for it to cool down before drinking
我的手感觉热热的,可能是发烧了wǒ de shǒu gǎnjué rè rè de, kěnéng shì fāshāo leMy hands feel hot, maybe I have a fever
我们家里的暖气开得太热了,我都快出汗了wǒmen jiā lǐ de nuǎnqì kāi de tài rè le, wǒ dōu kuài chū hàn leThe heating in our house is too hot, I’m almost sweating
这道菜很辣,吃起来很热zhè dào cài hěn là, chī qǐlái hěn rèThis dish is very spicy, it feels hot when eating
这个房间里很热闹,好像有很多人在聊天zhège fángjiān lǐ hěn rènào, hǎoxiàng yǒu hěnduō rén zài liáotiānThis room is very lively, it seems like there are many people chatting


热 is part of HSK Level 1 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 热 with Pinyin and English Translation