洗澡 (xǐ zǎo): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 洗澡 means “to take a bath” or “to shower”. It is a common phrase used in everyday conversation to refer to the act of cleaning oneself with water. In Chinese culture, cleanliness is highly valued and taking a daily bath or shower is considered an important part of personal hygiene. The phrase 洗澡 can be used in various contexts, such as asking someone if they have taken a shower or reminding someone to take a bath before going to bed.


Verb: to take a shower, to have a bath


Example Sentences

我每天晚上都会洗澡wǒ měi tiān wǎnshàng dōu huì xǐzǎoI take a shower every night
你洗澡用了多长时间?nǐ xǐzǎo yòngle duō cháng shíjiān?How long did you take to shower?
我忘记洗澡了,太累了wǒ wàngjì xǐzǎo le, tài lèi leI forgot to shower, I was too tired
妈妈叫我洗澡,但我还没准备好māmā jiào wǒ xǐzǎo, dàn wǒ hái méi zhǔnbèi hǎoMom told me to take a shower, but I’m not ready yet
洗澡之前,我先泡个澡xǐzǎo zhī qián, wǒ xiān pào gè zǎoBefore taking a shower, I soak in the tub first
我用了一整瓶沐浴露洗澡wǒ yòngle yī zhěng píng mùyùlù xǐzǎoI used a whole bottle of shower gel to wash myself
洗澡的时候,我喜欢听音乐xǐzǎo de shíhou, wǒ xǐhuān tīng yīnyuèI like to listen to music while taking a shower


洗澡 is part of HSK Level 3 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 洗澡 with Pinyin and English Translation