打篮球 (dǎ lán qiú): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese phrase “打篮球” means “to play basketball”. It is a common phrase used in China and other Mandarin-speaking countries when referring to the sport of basketball. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as asking someone if they want to play basketball, talking about a basketball game, or simply discussing the sport in general.


Verb: play basketball


Example Sentences

我每周都会去打篮球wǒ měi zhōu dōu huì qù dǎ lán qiúI go play basketball every week
昨天我和朋友一起去打篮球了zuó tiān wǒ hé péng yǒu yī qǐ qù dǎ lán qiú leI went to play basketball with my friends yesterday
我们需要多练习才能更好地打篮球wǒ men xū yào duō liàn xí cái néng gèng hǎo de dǎ lán qiúWe need to practice more to play basketball better
打篮球对身体很有好处dǎ lán qiú duì shēn tǐ hěn yǒu hǎo chùPlaying basketball is very good for your health
我们学校有一个很棒的篮球队wǒ men xué xiào yǒu yī gè hěn bàng de lán qiú duìOur school has a great basketball team
我们可以在公园里打篮球wǒ men kě yǐ zài gōng yuán lǐ dǎ lán qiúWe can play basketball in the park
我最喜欢的运动之一就是打篮球wǒ zuì xǐ huān de yùn dòng zhī yī jiù shì dǎ lán qiúOne of my favorite sports is playing basketball


打篮球 is part of HSK Level 2 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is not listed as one of the vocabularies to learn anymore.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 打篮球 with Pinyin and English Translation