感冒 (gǎn mào): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 感冒 means “to catch a cold”. It is a common term used to describe the symptoms of a viral infection that affects the respiratory system, such as coughing, sneezing, and a runny nose. The word is often used in everyday conversation to describe when someone is feeling unwell due to a cold.


Noun: common cold
Verb: to catch a cold


Example Sentences

我感冒了,今天不去上班了wǒ gǎnmào le, jīntiān bù qù shàngbān leI caught a cold, I’m not going to work today
如果你感冒了,就要多喝水rúguǒ nǐ gǎnmào le, jiù yào duō hē shuǐIf you catch a cold, you should drink more water
他感冒了,喉咙很痛tā gǎnmào le, hóulóng hěn tòngHe caught a cold and his throat is very sore
我感冒了,头疼得厉害wǒ gǎnmào le, tóuténg de lìhàiI caught a cold and my headache is severe
她感冒了,嗓子哑了tā gǎnmào le, sǎngzi yǎ leShe caught a cold and her voice became hoarse
我感冒了,咳嗽得很严重wǒ gǎnmào le, késòu de hěn yánzhòngI caught a cold and my cough is very severe
昨天晚上我感冒了,所以我今天请假了zuótiān wǎnshàng wǒ gǎnmào le, suǒyǐ wǒ jīntiān qǐngjià leI caught a cold last night, so I took a sick leave today


感冒 is part of HSK Level 3 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 感冒 with Pinyin and English Translation