容易 (róng yì): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 容易 means “easy” or “easily”. It is commonly used to describe something that is not difficult to do or understand. For example, one might say “这道题很容易”, which translates to “This problem is very easy”. It can also be used to describe someone who is easygoing or accommodating, as in “他很容易相处”, meaning “He is easy to get along with”.


Adjective: easy


Example Sentences

这道数学题很容易zhè dào shùxué tí hěn róngyìThis math problem is very easy
我们的工作不容易,但我们很努力wǒmen de gōngzuò bù róngyì, dàn wǒmen hěn nǔlìOur work is not easy, but we work very hard
学习汉语不容易,但是很有趣xuéxí hànyǔ bù róngyì, dànshì hěn yǒuqùLearning Chinese is not easy, but it’s very interesting
这个问题很容易解决zhège wèntí hěn róngyì jiějuéThis problem is very easy to solve
她容易受伤,所以要小心tā róngyì shòushāng, suǒyǐ yào xiǎoxīnShe is easily injured, so be careful
这个地方很容易迷路zhège dìfāng hěn róngyì mílùIt’s easy to get lost in this place
考试前要复习,这样就容易考好kǎoshì qián yào fùxí, zhèyàng jiù róngyì kǎo hǎoReview before the exam, so it’s easy to do well


容易 is part of HSK Level 3 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 容易 with Pinyin and English Translation