完 (wán): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 完 means “complete” or “finished”. It is often used to indicate that a task or activity has been completed or that something is done. For example, you might say “我完成了我的作业” which means “I have completed my homework”. 完 can also be used to express the idea of “perfect” or “flawless”, as in the phrase “完美的一天”, which means “a perfect day”.


Verb: to finish


Example Sentences

我把作业做完了wǒ bǎ zuòyè zuò wán leI finished my homework
他把饭吃完了tā bǎ fàn chī wán leHe finished his meal
我们把工作做完了wǒmen bǎ gōngzuò zuò wán leWe finished our work
她把书看完了tā bǎ shū kàn wán leShe finished reading the book
他把任务完成了tā bǎ rènwù wánchéng leHe completed the task
我们把旅行计划制定完了wǒmen bǎ lǚxíng jìhuà zhìdìng wán leWe finished planning our trip
她把家务做完了tā bǎ jiāwù zuò wán leShe finished doing the housework
他把演讲准备完了tā bǎ yǎnjiǎng zhǔnbèi wán leHe finished preparing for the speech


完 is part of HSK Level 2 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 完 with Pinyin and English Translation