因为 (yīn wèi): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 因为 is a conjunction that means “because” in English. It is used to indicate the reason or cause of something. For example, if someone asks why you are late, you could respond with “因为我遇到了交通堵塞” which means “because I encountered traffic congestion”. In this case, 因为 is used to explain the reason for being late.


Conjunction: because


Example Sentences

因为下雨,我今天没有去上班yīnwèi xiàyǔ, wǒ jīntiān méiyǒu qù shàngbānBecause of the rain, I didn’t go to work today
因为他生病了,所以他没来上课yīnwèi tā shēngbìng le, suǒyǐ tā méi lái shàngkèBecause he was sick, he didn’t come to class
因为她学习很努力,所以她考试得了好成绩yīnwèi tā xuéxí hěn nǔlì, suǒyǐ tā kǎoshì dé le hǎo chéngjīBecause she studies hard, she got good grades on the exam
因为我喜欢吃辣,所以我经常吃辣的食物yīnwèi wǒ xǐhuān chī là, suǒyǐ wǒ jīngcháng chī là de shíwùBecause I like spicy food, I often eat spicy food
因为他工作认真负责,所以他得到了晋升yīnwèi tā gōngzuò rènzhēn fùzé, suǒyǐ tā dédào le jìnshēngBecause he works seriously and responsibly, he was promoted


因为 is part of HSK Level 2 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 因为 with Pinyin and English Translation