去年 (qù nián): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word “去年” means “last year” in English. It is commonly used to refer to the year that has just passed, and is often used in conversation to talk about events or experiences that occurred during that time. For example, one might say “去年我去了北京”, which translates to “Last year, I went to Beijing”.


Time: last year


Example Sentences

去年我去了中国qùnián wǒ qùle zhōngguóLast year I went to China
去年夏天很热qùnián xiàtiān hěn rèLast summer was very hot
去年的生日聚会很开心qùnián de shēngrì jùhuì hěn kāixīnLast year’s birthday party was very fun
去年我买了一辆新车qùnián wǒ mǎile yī liàng xīnchēLast year I bought a new car
去年我学了中文qùnián wǒ xuéle zhōngwénLast year I learned Chinese
去年我和家人一起旅行了qùnián wǒ hé jiārén yīqǐ lǚxíngleLast year I traveled with my family
去年我在大学毕业了qùnián wǒ zài dàxué bìyèleLast year I graduated from college
去年我看了很多电影qùnián wǒ kànle hěnduō diànyǐngLast year I watched a lot of movies


去年 is part of HSK Level 2 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 1.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 去年 with Pinyin and English Translation