刮风 (guā fēng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 刮风 means “windy” in English. It is used to describe weather conditions when there is a strong wind blowing. For example, if someone says “今天很刮风”, it means “today is very windy”. This word is commonly used in daily conversation and is an important vocabulary word for anyone learning Chinese.


Verb: to be windy


Example Sentences

今天刮风了,记得多穿衣服jīntiān guāfēng le, jìde duō chuān yīfuIt’s windy today, remember to wear more clothes
刮风的时候,树叶像极了一群跳跃的小精灵guāfēng de shíhòu, shùyè xiàng jíle yīqún tiàoyuè de xiǎo jīnglíngWhen it’s windy, the leaves look like a group of jumping elves
昨天晚上刮风刮得我一夜都没睡好zuótiān wǎnshàng guāfēng guā de wǒ yī yè dōu méi shuì hǎoThe wind was so strong last night that I couldn’t sleep well all night
刮风的时候,小狗总是喜欢在院子里追着树叶跑guāfēng de shíhòu, xiǎo gǒu zǒng shì xǐhuān zài yuànzi lǐ zhuīzhe shùyè pǎoWhen it’s windy, the puppy always likes to chase the leaves in the yard
这里经常刮风,所以要多注意保暖zhèlǐ jīngcháng guāfēng, suǒyǐ yào duō zhùyì bǎonuǎnIt’s often windy here, so pay more attention to keeping warm


刮风 is part of HSK Level 3 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 7-9.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 刮风 with Pinyin and English Translation