别 (bié): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 别 means “don’t” or “not” and is often used in negative commands or prohibitions. For example, 别说话 means “don’t speak” and 别碰 means “don’t touch”. It can also be used to indicate a change in state or action, such as in 别担心, which means “don’t worry”. In addition, it can be used as a prefix to create compound words, such as 别墅, which means “villa” or “mansion”.


Adverb: don’t
Verb: to leave, to distinguish


Example Sentences

别忘了带伞bié wàng le dài sǎnDon’t forget to bring an umbrella
别吵了,我在学习bié chǎo le, wǒ zài xuéxíDon’t make noise, I’m studying
别生气,我没有恶意bié shēngqì, wǒ méiyǒu èyìDon’t be angry, I didn’t mean any harm
他别的不会,就是唱歌好听tā bié de bú huì, jiù shì chànggē hǎotīngHe may not be good at anything else, but he sings well
别担心,我会照顾好你的bié dānxīn, wǒ huì zhàogù hǎo nǐ deDon’t worry, I’ll take good care of you
别看他年纪小,可是很聪明bié kàn tā niánjì xiǎo, kěshì hěn cōngmíngDon’t be fooled by his young age, he’s very smart
别乱扔垃圾,保护环境bié luàn rēng lājī, bǎohù huánjìngDon’t litter, protect the environment
别太晚回家,路上小心bié tài wǎn huí jiā, lùshang xiǎoxīnDon’t come home too late, be careful on the way


别 is part of HSK Level 2 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 1 and HSK Level 4.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 别 with Pinyin and English Translation