冬 (dōng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 冬 means “winter” in English. It is used to refer to the coldest season of the year, typically lasting from December to February in the Northern Hemisphere. In Chinese culture, 冬 is associated with the element of water and the direction of north. It is also a common character used in Chinese names and can be found in various idioms and phrases related to winter.


Noun: winter


Example Sentences

冬天的天气很冷dōng tiān de tiān qì hěn lěngThe weather in winter is very cold
冬天是滑雪的好季节dōng tiān shì huá xuě de hǎo jì jiéWinter is a good season for skiing
冬天的夜晚很长dōng tiān de yè wǎn hěn chángWinter nights are long
冬至是冬天的最长日子dōng zhì shì dōng tiān de zuì cháng rì ziWinter solstice is the longest day in winter
冬季风景美丽,尤其是下雪的时候dōng jì fēng jǐng měi lì, yóu qí shì xià xuě de shí hòuWinter scenery is beautiful, especially when it snows
冬天里喝热饮料很舒服dōng tiān lǐ hē rè yǐn liào hěn shū fuDrinking hot drinks in winter is very comfortable
冬天里穿厚衣服很重要dōng tiān lǐ chuān hòu yī fú hěn zhòng yàoIt’s important to wear warm clothes in winter
冬天的植物需要特别的保护dōng tiān de zhí wù xū yào tè bié de bǎo hùWinter plants need special protection


冬 is part of HSK Level 3 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is not listed as one of the vocabularies to learn anymore.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 冬 with Pinyin and English Translation