作用 (zuò yòng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 作用 can be translated to mean “function”, “effect”, or “role”. It is often used to describe the purpose or impact of something, such as the function of a tool or the effect of a medication. It can also be used to describe someone’s role or position in a particular situation. For example, you might say “这种药的作用是什么?” to mean “What’s this medicine for?”.


Noun: action, function, impact, effect
Verb: to affect


Example Sentences

这种药的作用很快zhè zhǒng yào de zuòyòng hěn kuàiThis medicine works very quickly
水的作用是冷却机器shuǐ de zuòyòng shì lěngquè jīqìWater’s function is to cool down machines
这个按钮的作用是打开灯zhège ànniǔ de zuòyòng shì dǎkāi dēngThe function of this button is to turn on the light
这个工具的作用是切割金属zhège gōngjù de zuòyòng shì qiēgē jīnshǔThe function of this tool is to cut metal
这个软件的作用是帮助你管理文件zhège ruǎnjiàn de zuòyòng shì bāngzhù nǐ guǎnlǐ wénjiànThe function of this software is to help you manage files
这个设备的作用是检测温度zhège shèbèi de zuòyòng shì jiǎncè wēndùThe function of this device is to detect temperature
她的话对我产生了很大的作用tā de huà duì wǒ chǎnshēng le hěn dà de zuòyòngHer words had a great impact on me
这个药的作用是缓解疼痛zhège yào de zuòyòng shì huǎnjiě téngtòngThe function of this medicine is to relieve pain


作用 is part of HSK Level 3 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 作用 with Pinyin and English Translation