的 vs. 得 vs. 地

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I'm Wolfgang, the owner of Wohok.com. I'm originally from Austria, but have lived in various places in China since 2010. Currently I am in Hong Kong. The aim of this website is to share my interest in China, its food, the culture, its language(s) and most of all the people with the world in the hope it can somehow fix a thing here or there in the relationship between East and West. You can get in touch with me, via the contact form, Twitter or LinkedIn. I'm a web developer by trade and will post some business related content on this site from time to time. If you need help with your website or need answers to China related web questions, please get in touch using my Codeable partner link, LinkedIn or the contact form on my website. Hope you'll enjoy Wohok.com!

When learning Chinese, you may have encountered the three “de” particles: 的, 得, and 地. These particles might seem confusing at first, but with a little guidance, you’ll quickly understand their unique roles in Chinese grammar, making your language learning journey smoother.

The first particle, 的, is a noun modifier used to show possession or connect an adjective (or adjective phrase) to a noun, much like the possessive ‘s in English. On the other hand, 得 is a modifier for verbs, providing additional information about the action taking place. Lastly, 地 modifies adjectives into adverbs, helping you paint a more vivid picture with your words.

的 vs. 得 vs. 地: A Closer Look

Each of the three particles has different functions and usage in Chinese sentences:

The Function of 的

The particle 的 is primarily used to modify or limit nouns. It typically appears between an adjective and the noun it is qualifying, or between a possessor and the possessed noun. Take a look at these examples:

  • 好吃的苹果 (hǎo chī de píng guǒ) – delicious apple
  • 我的书 (wǒ de shū) – my book

In these examples, “好吃的” (delicious) modifies “苹果” (apple) and “我的” (my) modifies “书” (book).

The Function of 得

Now let’s explore the particle 得. It usually appears between a verb and a complement to describe the manner or degree of the action. It can help indicate how well or poorly an action is carried out. Check out these examples:

  • 他跑得很快 (tā pǎo de hěn kuài) – He runs very fast
  • 她唱歌唱得很美 (tā chàng gē chàng de hěn měi) – She sings beautifully

In these examples, “跑得” (run) is followed by “很快” (very fast) and “唱得” (sing) is followed by “很美” (beautifully) to describe the actions.

The Function of 地

Finally, we have 地, which mainly functions as an adverb modifier. It appears between an adjective or adverb and the verb it modifies, similar to adding “-ly” in English. Take a look at these examples:

  • 快速地走 (kuài sù de zǒu) – walk quickly
  • 小心地开车 (xiǎo xīn de kāi chē) – drive carefully

In these examples, “快速地” (quickly) modifies “走” (walk) and “小心地” (carefully) modifies “开车” (drive).


In summary, understanding the differences between 的, 得, and 地 is crucial to mastering Chinese grammar. As you continue your language journey, remember the following distinctions:

  • 的 (de): Used primarily to modify nouns, acting as a possessive or descriptive particle.
  • 得 (de): Mainly modifies verbs, showing the result or degree of the action.
  • 地 (de): Functions to turn adjectives into adverbs, modifying the verb by describing how the action is performed.

Remember that these three particles are pronounced with a neutral tone. Keep practicing and applying these concepts in your daily Chinese conversations, and you’ll find that distinguishing between 的, 得, and 地 will become increasingly natural.

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